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softsoulmusicradio   I   Flossmoor, Illinois


“Welcome to softsoulmusicradio…softsoulmusicradio is a mixture of several forms of music…Smooth Jazz, Soft Rock, the smoothest of...R&B, and Drum & Bass….And of course Easy Listening Music….At softsoulmusicradio….We put you in groove, and keep you in a groove..It’s candy for your ears…And expansion for your mind. So Sit Back, Relax, and let your Imagination Run Wild....We’re softsoulmusicradio"Scrutch program  director

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                          At softsoulmusicradio

we play the smoothest of music. Smooth doesn't always mean sad and slow. Smooth is a Rhythmic beat that puts you at ease.....the Groove. softsoulmusicradio does just that....

                  What is a Softmixx?

A softmixx is, a  copulation of music, premixxed...using music  selection, custom cross fades, special mixes and re mixes, to put you ...the listener a certain frame of mind.  

A softmixx can vary in lenght from 15 minutes to 75 minutes...with breaks in between for station promos and I D's and aurar silence..

There are some softmixxes that start with music that is from a movie or TV soundtrack. They vary from country to classical


The term softsoul and that radio format was the brainchild of Richard Steel, then the Program Director, and afternoon jock on WJPC radio, Chicago. 
Richard had a nack for smoothing music out. You could always tell when he was on the air. He was a man on a mission. I was tech support at the time, and Chief Broadcast Engineer, at WJPC..
We were going to put some sophistication back into AM radio with jazz, smooth jazz, jazz singers, jazz artist...But due to a management change....we never got the chance. All I know about radio programming I owe to Richard Steel and Sonny Taylor.

              From There To Here

A few years later, I resurrected the softsoul music project, promoting it as an alternative to elevator know....the stuff you hear at stores, mall, theatres, and of course, elevators.

In 2005 softsoulmusicradio, started broadcasting on the internet. We've made some changes to the original softsoul format by expanding the types and form of music beyond the pure jazz formula. 


Most of our listeners are in the Netherlands and Germany. 

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